Old Trout Funnies “notable and accessibly written”: review

9781772060409_FCA great synopsis and review of Old Trout Funnies: The Comic Origins of the Cape Breton Liberation Army, by Ian Brodie and Paul “Moose” MacKinnon, is forthcoming in Ethnologies (vol. 38, no. 2: 297-299).

“an admirable job in both presenting MacKinnon’s OTF collection and providing context and explication to allow readers to appreciate the comics and calendars while having information with which to consider the comics on a variety of analytical levels.”

“The level of detail in the entries is impressive: not only do they provide insights into the components of MacKinnon’s work, but they also allow us to see how his life and the world of the period fed into it. Brodie’s work balances providing scholarly discussion of MacKinnon’s work and allowing the art to have the space to stand alone. This is not an easy balance to strike in book form, but Brodie has done it well.”

Great to see Paul’s early work, and Ian’s scholarship being recognized.

Posted by Mike Hunter on August 15, 2017
