“For Celts and Others”: review

Intangible PossibilitiesReeling RoostersA recent review column by Elizabeth Cran in The Guardian, Charlottetown (March 7, 2015), featured two Celtic/Gaelic titles published by CBU Press last fall.

Of Rudan Mì-bheanailteach is an CothromanIntangible Possibilities, poems by Lewis MacKinnon, Cran praises MacKinnon’s sense of history and the fact that “he does not confine himself to the strictly human, but writes of spirit and things and even goes beyond, into a universe where spirits falter.”

Cran notes that Heather Sparling’s Reeling Roosters and Dancing Ducks: Celtic Mouth Music, “will be of interest to all who would like to know more about Gaelic culture….”

You can read the full review here: http://www.theguardian.pe.ca/Living/2015-03-07/article-4068286/For-Celts-and-others/1


Posted by Mike Hunter on March 11, 2015
