CB fiddle, dance, at centre stage in Limerick Nov. 3

9781772060249_FC9781772060287_FCFresh from Celtic Colours International Festival, Mats Melin and Liz Doherty are hosting a celebration of Cape Breton dance and music on their home turf—Ireland.

The Cape Breton Fiddle Companion, by Liz Doherty, and One With the Music: Cape Breton Step Dance Tradition and Transmission, by Mats Melin, were launched at Cape Breton University during the North Atlantic Fiddle Convention and Celtic Colours on October 14.

Mats and Liz will now launch their respective books closer to home, at an event November 3, at the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, University of Limerick.

The launch will be followed by a Cape Breton square set and performance of Cape Breton step dancing with members of piping and fiddle ensemble Nuallan (Kevin Dugas, Kenneth MacKenzie and Keith MacDonald) and dance group Fileanta (Margie Beaton and Jenny MacKenzie) and guests.

Sounds like quite the party! Best wishes to Liz and Mats as they launch their books among colleagues, family and friends.

Posted by Mike Hunter on October 29, 2015
