Gordon Fader

Gordon Fader

Gordon Fader is a professional Marine Geologist registered in Nova Scotia. He was appointed Emeritus Scientist position at the Geological Survey of Canada (Atlantic), at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography in 2004, after a 35-year career conducting geoscience research. He is the president of Atlantic Marine Geological Consulting Ltd. His education was undertaken at St. Mary's, Dalhousie and the Technical University of Nova Scotia. He was the first Graduate in Geology from St. Mary's University, graduating in 1969, and an award has been established in his name. He was responsible for mapping and research on the surficial sediments and shallow bedrock geology of the southeast Canadian Continental Shelf, and has published more than 300 maps, reports and scientific papers in government publications and the scientific literature. Additionally, he has conducted more than 100 research ship and submersible cruises offshore Canada. He has been involved in geoscience and environmental aspects of most major offshore projects off eastern Canada, including Hibernia Oil Development, Scotian Shelf Gas Development, Confederation Bridge construction, Swissair 111 crash investigation, Halifax Harbour Cleanup and many telecommunication, gas pipeline and electrical transmission route studies. He is a specialist in the study of seabed processes and sediment characteristics. He was a member of the Halifax Harbour Task Force and the Harbour Solutions Advisory Committee that prepared a blueprint document for the Cleanup of Halifax Harbour and received both Community Planning and Department of Natural Resources Canada Merit Awards for his research. He recently published a major study on the geology of Halifax Harbour, and is writing a popular science book on Halifax Harbour. He is a popular speaker on geological and environmental topics and has appeared in many documentaries.


The Oak Island Mystery Solved: Second Edition – The Final Chapter
