Bob Morgan gift to launch new research book series

Bob MorganDr. Robert (Bob) Morgan dedicated much of his life to Cape Breton, its history and its University.

Thanks to a legacy bequest from the late Dr. Morgan, the Beaton Institute and CBU Press are pleased to announce the establishment of both a publication series and a grant-in-aid program.

In memory of Dr. Morgan’s contribution to archives, community history and local publishing, the Robert J. Morgan Grant-in-Aid Program is intended to assist researchers of Cape Breton-related themes reach a broader audience through publication by CBU Press. The publication will become a volume within the series to be known as Cape Bretoniana: Beaton Institute Research Series.

The bequest will also be used to fund the first edition in the Cape Bretoniana series (published in partnership with CBU Press) – the first call for applications to the grant-in-aid program will be forthcoming in the New Year.

As a result of the bequest, the Beaton Institute will also purchase equipment to enhance researcher access to the archival holdings.

Dr. Morgan made a positive difference in all the work that he pursued. He was recognized for his great accomplishments by being named a 2012 recipient of the Order of Nova Scotia, an honour bestowed on him posthumously in Halifax, November 28.


Posted by Mike Hunter on December 3, 2012