“Exactly what we need”: Review

Memory-Keeper of the ForestA timely and very favourable review of Michael Newton’s new book – Seanchaidh na Coille / Memory-Keeper of the Forest: Anthology of Scottish-Gaelic Literature of Canada – was just published in Dàna, the Scottish Gaelic e-zine. (Favourable because, well, the book deserves it, and timely because the book’s official launch is set for next weekend in Toronto – more on that here.)

The original Gaelic follows the below translation. You can read the full review (in Gaelic) at here.

[Translation] “It is true to say that a complete picture cannot be put together of anything that relates to the Gaelic world that excludes those Gaelic sources. The story of Highland emigration is the same. Gaelic is unavoidable and fundamental to every story. And that is one of the greatest obstacles that has created the situation in which we find ourselves – not many people are familiar with the sources, or understand the sources, or pay much heed to the sources.

“And for those who understand Gaelic, or who are entirely willing to use Gaelic sources, the lack of source materials about the lives of Gaels in Canada is another obstacle. For scholars and students of Highland emigration, the complete picture cannot be gained entirely through Scottish sources. Both sides are needed. A handful of worthwhile books were printed some years ago of poetry, songs and oral narratives. [Seanchaidh na Coille / Memory-Keeper of the Forest] adds to that effort by also including a selection of prose. It also gives us the other part of the story that is not so well researched. What really happened to the Gaels after they reached their destination? Where did they go? What did they think about the emigrant experience, or Gaelic, in the Old Country, in the “Gloomy Forest” or on the Prairies?…

“The writings on this subject are scattered and that makes it difficult for people to go into the topic without formal training. Michael’s writings open this culture up to the general public, in Scotland and abroad. And, in my opinion, that is exactly what we need in North America in order to begin to give a proper education to the “Highland Diaspora” who lost their heritage in the “Gloomy Forest.”

Seanchaidh na Coille is the jewel in the crown of Michael’s scholarship, providing scholarly commentary and new materials together in one place, for Gaels, for scholars and for those who have an interest in Gaelic heritage in Canada.

“There are many people in North America who did not get a fair chance to inherit their culture, due to many years of the decline and distortion of their heritage. Here is your chance.”

Liam Alistair Crouse is Gaelic Development Officer at Ceòlas and editor of Dàna, Scottish Gaelic’s first e-zine.

Tha e fìor ri ràdh nach fhaighear an dealbh coileanta de rud sam bith a tha a’ buntainn ris an t-saoghal Ghàidhealach às aonais nan tùsan Gàidhlig sin. Tha sgeul eilthireachd nan Gàidheal san aon rud. Tha a’ Ghàidhlig do-sheachanta agus bunasach dhan sgeul. Agus ’s e sin aon de na cnapan-starra mòra a b’ adhbhar don t-suidheachadh anns a bheil sinn – nach eil tòrr eòlach air na tùsan, a’ tuigsinn nan tùsan, neo a’ toirt suim do na tùsan.

Agus dhan fheadhainn a tha a’ tuigsinn na Gàidhlig, air neo aig a bheil làn-tograidh na tùsan Gàidhlig a chleachdadh, tha gainnead de stuth truiste mu bheatha nan Gàidheal an Canada na chnap-starra eile. Do sgoilearan agus oileanaich eilthireachd nan Gàidheal, chan ann tro sgrùdadh litreachas à Alba a gheibhear an sealladh coileanta. Feumaidh an dà thaobh. Chaidh cnap leabhraichean ionmholta a chur an clò bho chionn grunn mhath bhliadhnaichean — bàrdachd, òrain, is sgeulachdan. Tha an leabhar seo a’ cur clach air a’ chàrn ud, le bhith cuideachd a’ toirt beagan roisg na lùib. Tha e cuideachd a’ toirt dhuinn an leth eile dhen sgeulachd, nach eil cho rannsaichte. Dè dha-rìreabh a thachair dha na Gàidheil nuair a chaidh iad a-null? Càite an deach iad? Ciamar a bha iad a’ gabhail beachd air eilthireachd neo a’ Ghàidhlig, san t-Seana Dhùthaich neo sa Choille Ghruamach neo air a’ Phrèiridh? …

Chan eil sgrìobhainnean a’ chuspair ach sgapte agus sin a’ fàgail gu bheil e doirbh do dhaoine a dhol a-steach dhan chuspair gun fhoghlam foirmeil. Tha leabhraichean Mhìcheil a’ fosgladh an dualchais dhan mhòr-shluagh, ann an Alba agus thall thairis. Agus, na mo bheachd-sa, ’s e sin a tha a dhìth oirnn ann an Aimeireaga gus tòiseachadh a dhèanamh air oideachadh ceart a thoirt do ‘Chlann nan Gàidheal’ a chaill an dìleab sa Choille Ghruamaich.

Tha Seanchaidh na Coille mar sheud sa chrùn aig sgoilearachd Mhìcheil, a’ toirt sgrìobhainn sgoilearach agus stuth ùr còmhla ann an aon àite, dha na Gàidheil, dha na sgoilearan, agus dhan fheadhainn aig a bheil ùidh ann an dualchas nan Gàidheal an Canada.

’S iomadh duine ann an Aimeireaga nach d’fhuair cothrom na Fèinne air an dualchas, air sgàth bhliadhnaichean de chrìonadh agus claonadh na dìleibe. ’S e seo do chothrom.


Posted by Mike Hunter on September 18, 2015
