Sean Howard

Sean Howard moved to Cape Breton from England in 1999. His poetry has been published in magazines including Geist, Other Voices, Quills, Prairie Journal, Prairie Fire, The Antigonish Review, The Nashwaak Review, Contemporary Verse 2, QWERTY, Vallum and Illuminations (USA), as well as A Quiet, Bashful Man (AB Collector Publishing, 2006), a tribute to the late Maritimes publisher Malcolm Somerville. In Britain, his work appeared in Acclaim, The New Writer, Writers’ Monthly, Envoi, Haiku Poetry Quarterly, Poetry Nottingham International and elsewhere. Sean holds a Ph.D. from the Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, UK, and from 1992-2003 worked as a researcher on nuclear disarmament and international security issues for a variety of non-governmental organizations. He lives in the beautiful lobster-fishing village of Main-à-Dieu, and is adjunct professor of political science at Cape Breton University.

Local Calls: Poems

Local Calls: Poems